FAQ’s for Employers

Why does my team need the RBT Credential? 

  • In some areas, the Registered Behavior Training credential is required for anyone working with clients with autism. Whether it’s required or not, the credential is an excellent building block for training your team. 
  • Applied Behavior Analysis, the basic training method for the RBT, has helped individuals with autism to reach their maximum potential.
  • It has shown to:
    • Reduce repetitive and unwanted behaviors
    • Ease frustrations while improving social skills
    • Build patterns of good behavior through positive reinforcement
    • Teach communication skills and multi-step activities 
    • Help providers to better understand and empathize with behavior
    • Improve clients’ academic success, and much more.

What are the requirements to receive the 40-hour training certificate?
  • The RBT credential is administered by the BACB (www.BACB.com). To receive a certificate of completion from Autism BX Training (the first step of the RBT credentialing process), students must receive 80% or better on each of 8 quizzes within our course, spend 40 hours of time within the course content, and complete the training within 180 days of start date.

What is the format of the class? What’s included?

  • Our course is based on the requirements of the BACB’s RBT Task List. It is made up of 8 modules and it consists of lecture and video content. A written workbook, available in English or Spanish, accompanies the course. To request a preview of our workbook, email [email protected].

What are the benefits of the RBT training through Autism BX Training?

  • Our training is online, so students can complete coursework anytime, anywhere. You won’t have to set aside time in your therapists’ busy schedules for in-person training. 
  • No contracts! We don’t require a contract of any kind. You may use our training as you wish, for as long as you wish. 
  • Once you purchase slots, they never expire. 
  • Unlike other organizations offering the training, we allow one FREE reset on a course for a student who wasn’t able to finish within the 180 day period. This means your investment is risk free! 
    • Reset vs. Extension of Time:
      • All courses can be reset once free of charge. This will permanently delete your current progress and hours spent on the course. 
      • No course can be extended of time. The BACB does not allow any time, more than 180-days, to be spent on this course.
  • We allow employers to replace slots for students who leave your company or never sign in to their course. 
  • Our training is extremely affordable! 
  • Please note: All sales are final.

Who is Consultants for Children, and why should I buy by RBT training from you?

  • We are a provider based in Lakewood, Colorado, and we needed training ourselves. This is how our online course was born!
  • All of the proceeds in our sales go directly to helping our clients receive the best services possible. Know that you are not only improving your services, but improving children's behavioral programs with every purchase.

How many slots do I need to buy?

  • You may buy as many as you wish. We often offer special rates for buying in bulk (10 or more slots). Your slots never expire, so there’s no risk in purchasing too many! 

How do I get my students enrolled?

  • Simply purchase your slots, then send an email with student names and email addresses to: [email protected].

What if my roster changes during the training period?

  • We allow you to replace slots on your roster if a student never signs in, or if someone unexpectedly leaves your company during the training period. 

What if a student runs out of time to complete the training?

  • We offer one free reset for each student. The student will have to begin again, but there is no charge for a reset. 

How do I purchase the course?